I wonder how an animal may view me. Like, are men (humans) anything more to them than other animals?

Would they view me as their enemy or an amiable animal? Am I doing any nourishment for their lifesty- Wait! What would they even consider as nourishment? What do they think of us when we explore our universe? Is exploring the universe of any significance if nobody but we appreciate it? Will we ever find organisms that acknowledge our accomplishments?

We are neither the fastest animals nor the strongest. What we do have are the proportionally largest brains. But, is it of any use other than deteriorating the world? What have we done for animals? We use our resources for almost ourselves, for our needs; even the resources we spend on other organisms are to fulfil our own motives. What have we really done that is great for the Earth from the eyes of an animal?

We have caused extinction of a few animals, we are actively rotting the world with global warming; we make animals suffer because of our motives; maybe we are only superior to them when it is about harming them. We are nothing but a nuisance to Earth and animals, are we not? What great have we done for our Earth? What did exploring the universe brought us? What of significance would happen if an asteroid hits Earth again, if our wants is killing animals more than most asteroid hits do?

We use our mind because it is what gives us the edge on Earth; we are not harmed by other organisms because of our brain’s capabilities. But… are we really any superior to animals, like a group of us proclaims? What makes us superior to them? Is it because we can kill them all using our mind’s capabilities if that’s what we want? You’d be correct in that sense; however, that’s not how it is always conveyed.

A group of us claim that we are superior to them because our intelligence is greater than theirs; to them, it isn’t just about the capability to corner them; they claim that our mind is superior to theirs. But how do we really compare intelligence if intelligence is based on a human’s mind? How would our intelligence be valued or judged by animals? Just claiming that we are superior in intelligence wouldn’t prove it; we should be able to understand the arguments of the other party. If we are too incompetent to even understand them, are we really superior? Wouldn’t whatever we say be gibberish to them, and isn’t that what their talk to us is? Doesn’t that mean we are on equal footing? Why are we comparing them against our capabilities, like emotions and talent, and then judging them based on our capabilities? Can we inject venom like certain snakes do? Can we fly like birds do? Perhaps we are insecure because our mind is the only talent where we are naturally more able than them.

We may not fly naturally, but our mind lets us fly using resources that we have discovered and made. We may not be stronger, but we can rival the strongest animals using our mind’s capabilities when we are given Earth’s resources. So, it’s kind of a tricky question to conclude whether or not our intelligence would make us superior or not. At least to me.